other butterflies
Zebra swallowtail
Host plant: Pawpaw tree
varigated Firtilary
Host plants:
Maypop (Passion vine)
Pipevine swallowtail
Host plant: Pipevine
Spicebush swallowtail
Host plants: Spicebush, Sassafras
I’m in
a taco!
Wait is the caterpillar moving like a robot?
Hackberry emperor
FUN FACT: Hackberry Emperor butterflies will drink your sweat!
Host plants: Hackberry trees
Giant swalowtail
Host plants: Rue, Wafer Ash
Host plant: Plantain
Cloudless sulphur
Host plant: Wild Senna, Patridge Pea
Tiger swallowtail
Host plants: Tulip Tree, Sweetbay Magnolia
female in the summer